Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Anyone who has lived with pets knows how important watching body language is! This article lists some common parrot postures and what they may mean. As the article states, there are some species-specific and individual-specific body language that you need to watch out for -- no list could possibly be all-inclusive and apply to every parrot in every situation.

Parrots are very expressive. These wild animals do the best they can to adapt to living in our homes, but we need to be aware of what they are trying to tell us, even when they don't speak. Being aware of what your parrot is trying to communicate to you through his body language will result in a closer relationship for you and your bird, and may help you avoid getting bit! Through working with parrots at the Center, we've found that most parrots give warning before resorting to biting. By paying attention to your bird's body language, you can pick up on those cues and have a more harmonious life with your companion parrot!

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