Thursday, June 26, 2008

A dove invasion!

If you've been to the Center lately, you may have noticed that it seems like doves are taking over! We currently have 10 doves up for adoption, including 6 that were found abandoned in a Chicago apartment.

Fiona, pictured below, was one of the abandoned ones. As you can see, the right side of her face was attacked, most likely by another bird. However, she is incredibly sweet and does not suffer any hardships because of her injury.

How could someone abandon these adorable creatures?
Luckily, these guys found their way here, en route to finding their forever home!
If you have room in your house and heart for a dove or two, please stop by.
Doves can make great pets. They are nowhere near as demanding as parrots, and are unable to bite (a big bonus!) The cooing sounds can be very peaceful.

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