Thursday, March 04, 2010

Meet the other Murphy

Can you believe that we have two birds named Murphy up for adoption right now? We introduced you to Jardine's Murphy earlier this week; here is Macaw Murphy:Murphy is a 10 year old male Military Macaw. He was purchased as a pet for a child. When this girl grew up, she couldn't take Murphy with her to college. No one else in the family was interested in him, so they surrendered him to us.

He's quite the charmer and blushes when he's excited -- his white facial patches almost become scarlet! He prefers blonde women, generally. In this picture, though the lighting is bad, you can see the beginning of a blush around his eyes.

Although Militaries are among the smaller of the large macaw species, they still require a large cage and tons of destructible toys. Additionally, when he wants to, he can let out a scream to wake the neighbors!

Like most parrots, Murphy is very intelligent, and will do well in a home where that is explored. He will thrive in a home where he can learn to do tricks and focus his energy, mental and physical, into positive endeavors.

If Murphy sounds like he might be a good match, stop by to meet him!

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