Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Alumni story: Mali

We like to post updates from parrots who have been placed through CARE.  One benefit of this is to show people that older, rehomed parrots can make great companions.

That's the case for Mali, a senegal parrot (named Penelope when she was at CARE.)  Unfortunately, we never featured her on the blog, so I can't link to that post, but we just received a wonderful update on her progress that we wanted to share!

From her new owner:

Mali is doing great! When we brought her home, we gave her a short tour of  the 1st floor of the house, and then we put her in her cage. She walked right in, checked it out side to side and top to bottom.

Within 2 days, she was saying Grami (probably because the kids say it so often). By the end of the week, she added a garbled version of Mali, and every time we ask her to "step up" out of the cage, she says "aww." She says Hi, Adri, K'mere (come here) every day. One day she said "I love you", clear as a bell! It was so perfect, I was shocked, because it sounded more like a 4 year old child than her normal Senegal voice, but I can't seem to get her to say it again.

We had 18 people here for Thanksgiving, and she was very sweet to anyone that wanted to hold or talk to her. I've had some sort of sinus thing for almost 3 weeks, so of course, she is copy-coughing. She gets really excited with her morning routine of cage cleaning, water & food.

I'm learning what she doesn't like so much, and also her favorites. Every day, the first thing she grabs from her bowl, is the Nutriberry. At dinner, she is a chatter box. Her cage is by my chair, and I share a bite of everything with her. 

I can't thank you enough for allowing us to adopt her! She is the perfect addition to our family, we all love her and I can't imagine life without her.

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