Sunday, September 23, 2012

Brook-Falls Vet Hospital Open House

Today we spent three hours at Brook-Falls Veterinary Hospital & Exotic Care for their Open House. Dr. Bloss and Dr. Waliszewski are the two veterinarians who take care of our shelter birds. We had a great time. The two other groups, Wanakia Wildlife and Schlitz Audubon were able to bring birds/wildlife but it was too cold for our exotic birds. We were in a tent outside. However, we took information and lots of toys and accessories to sell and had a really good day. Talked with several people with doves who didn't know they played with toys, so we set them up with some cool stuff. Can't wait to hear back from them. And it's still early enough to have some quality time with my pet birds and dogs. Have a great evening - stay warm!

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