Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sorry for not updating more frequently. We've been very busy! Lots of releases, a few adoptions. If you're looking to add a new bird to your household, we have many available, from tiny budgies to large macaws!

I was walking past our large aviary (cage donated by Cages by Design) where the budgies and a few other birds live. I saw this adorable budgie hanging out on the figure 8 rope swing, and I had to take a picture! Many birds love swings -- perhaps it triggers some kind of innate response due to being outside on branches moving in the wind?

Swinging can be great exercise for birds who enjoy it! Some birds will flap away on a swing as you give it a push -- much like a young child on a swing at the park. Of course, you have to make sure that you're not moving too quickly for the bird's comfort zone!

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